• Congratulations on the excellent passing rate of Department of Occupational Safety and Health!

    Congratulations on the excellent passing rate of Department of Occupational Safety and Health!

    Congratulations on the excellent passing rate of Department of Occupational Safety and Health! In succession of the 18% passing rate in the second Examination of Skill Evaluation in 2014, which is higher than the average national passing rate (7.1%), 24 students, including Chun-Ming Lu and et cetera, have passed the first Examination of Skill Evaluation in 2015. Among them, Wei-Hao Lan has become the youngest national Labor Safety and Health Administrator. In Year 2015, up to 60% graduates have obtained the licences. Congratulations.

  • Wei-Hao Lan has become the youngest national Labor Safety and Health Administrator.

    Wei-Hao Lan has become the youngest national Labor Safety and Health Administrator.

    For the first Examination of Skill Evaluation in 2015, students in the Department of Occupational Safety and Health have obtained the licences as Labor Safety and Health Administrators. The passing rate reaches 50% this year, which is higher than the national passing rate (14.95%). Wei-Hao Lan has become the youngest national Labor Safety and Health Administrator.

  • The Overnight Camping Acitivity of the Department of Occupational Safety and Health in the school year 2014

    The Overnight Camping Acitivity of the Department of Occupational Safety and Health in the school year 2014

  • The Orientation Tour Activity of the Department of Occupational Safety and Health in the school year 2013

    The Orientation Tour Activity of the Department of Occupational Safety and Health in the school year 2013









1. 可報考國家考試之工業安全技師、工礦衛生技師。(畢業後可報考)

2. 甲級勞工安全管理師。(畢業後可報考)

3. 甲級勞工衛生管理師。(畢業後可報考)

4. 乙級勞工安全衛生管理員技術士。(三年級以上學生可報考)

5. 甲、乙級物理性因子作業環境技術士。(甲級畢業後才可報考)

6. 甲、乙級化學性因子作業環境技術士。(甲級畢業後才可報考)

7. 消防設備士。(五年級學生可報考)

8. 消防設備師。(畢業後可報考)

9. CPR。(一年級取得)

10.初級救護員EMT1 (二年級取得)

11.OHSAS 18001內部稽核員國際證照。(三~四年級取得)




1. 於醫療院所、工廠、營造業、教育體系及科學園區等事業單位擔任安全衛生管理師(俗稱工安)。

2. 至顧問公司或環測公司擔任勞委會規範之作業環境測定技術士。

3. 取得消防技術士或消防設備師證照,至消防設備公司工作。

4. 本科畢業學生可取得安全衛生就業環境遍及各行各業,由科學園區、醫療院所、傳統工廠、營造業、顧問公司、消防公司、教育資源體系、餐飲與飯店業或遊樂園區等擔任安全衛生管理人員。


(一) 招生方式:五專聯合免試升學或獨立招生

(二) 學生來源


2. 國民中學非應屆畢業生。

3. 同等學力者:

(1) 自學進修學力鑑定考試及格,持有國民中學畢業程度及格證明書者。

(2) 國民中學附設補習學校結業,持有結業證明書者。

(3) 曾在國民中學三年級下學期肄業,因故未能畢業,持有修業證明書者。

(4) 持大陸地區國民中學肄業證明文件,經主管教育行政機關審查認定,並具有第3點情形者。

(5) 取得丙級或相當於丙級以上技術士證資格,持有證書或證明文件者。



Department of Occupational Safety and Health, the latest firefighting course  更多內容


聯絡電話: 037-720903
傳真: 037-720903
電子信箱: osh@jente.edu.tw
系所位置: 幼職大樓 1樓